

This is a mandatory initial consultation in your home that is necessary to help me see and understand any behavioural issues your dog has so I can then work with you to set up the perfect training plan for you and your dog to reach a successful outcome. Additional costs for out of serviced area travel.

  • $300

Board and Train

This is a behavioural modification program where your dog stays with me for a minimum of 4 weeks and I work on specific problems with your dog one on one every day.

  • 20 days - $3000

  • 30 days - $4200



Sessions are around an hour in duration and take place either in your home or out in public depending on what we are working on. Price of sessions depend on whether a package is bought or each session is bought individually as shown above. How many sessions we will need totally depends on what it is you’re needing help with. This is also something I will discuss with you during the assessment once I have a better understanding of what direction we need to head and how much work is involved in your unique training program.

  • 5x session package - $1375

  • 3x session package - $850

  • 1x session - $300


This package is for those wanting to get off on the right foot from the very beginning of their journey with a puppy! You’ll learn all about how to manage your pup at home on a day to day basis, effective and correct socialising and exposure to the world, how to create a dog that wants to be with you and not other dogs and people, functional obedience that you can use everywhere reliably and how to introduce loose leash walking. Sessions are 30 minutes in duration.

  • 5x session package - $750

  • 3x session package - $550

  • 1x session - $200


Finding someone you can trust to leave your furry companion with can be very difficult. Whether you’re zipping off for a short trip or you’re heading off on a family holiday for a few weeks, there’s always a spot here for your dog giving you the peace of mind knowing they’re with someone you can trust. During your dogs stay I can also work on any behaviours that need modifying and any other tailored needs can be attended to during their stay. Price for boarding varies depending on duration of stay, how many dogs are staying with me and what requirements you have for your dogs. **Minimum charge $250**

  • Boarding - $100 per day

  • Boarding + training - $150 per day

Doggy daycare

This service is for those who want to provide their dog with more mental and physical stimulation throughout the day but simply don’t have the time. Luckily I do!

  • $100 per day